Instalation guide:
Download the file for your Maya version HERE.
Extract the file.
You will find three files. The first one we recommend to install is Mery_Shelf_201#.exe. Don’t forget to have Maya closed while installing. You can now enjoy the use of Poser and Picker.
File 2 Instructions.txt is a guide to Picker and Poser.
Mery_v#.#_for_201#.mb is our sweet Mery.
Now, if you open Maya, you’ll find a shelf with some icons to access Picker and Poser.
Why do I get an error message by hitting a button in Picker?
Make sure the characters name is correct in Pickers character slot. This is essential for the use of Picker.
What is the characters name I have to use?
Select a curve and copy the part before “_ac_***”.
For example: Mery_ac_**** in this example just copy/paste “Mery”.
If you have any prefixes after importing or referencing you will need to add them aswell.
For example: Mery:Mery_ac_**** in this care you will need to go for “Mery:Mery”.
When I open Picker this error message appears "Non camera object in the list..."
Don’t worry about that. This wont affect your work.
Can I use Mery for my demo Reel?
Of course! Always as long as you stick to our terms and conditions.
I would like you render my shot, what shoud I do?
From Mery Project we want to help people to have good quality shoots for their reels, without NDA, treated with care, lighted and rendered. For this, we have a special version of Mery prepared for render, with dynamic hair and textures, like you can see on our website. But you have to understand that we can’t to render all, thus, we will select the best animations, work on it and we’ll publish it in the section "best works". Don’t hesitate in sending us your animations with Mery.
Due to possible conflicts with other characters terms and conditions, we will only consider projects with Mery as the only character.
We are a school, can we use Mery for our class? Can my students practice with her?
In this case, we would like you to contact us. Mery Project is a collaborative initiative. Learning and improvement of your student's skills is something we are delighted to be part of, this is why we would like to get to know your school and/or your projects, stay in contact with you, view your progress or help you if our possibilities and time allow.
We will try to give you some answers by posting some of your most asked questions. If you don’t find your answer here feel free to contact us by hitting the Contact link.